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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Easter is coming

Yesterday I was reminded that Easter preparations should start happening. Candy is so overdone this holiday, and while I enjoy eating it, there has to be a way to make this even fun and inexpensive and efficient, right?!

First of all, there are usually local egg hunts and other celebrations you can attend. We will attend one with the family we traditionally celebrate with this year. Last year, we went with them to a different city celebration and an enormous carnival/petting zoo at a local church. All of those things were free and super fun! Check out your local community activities list for ideas in your area.

The egg hunt. Kids love it - it's like playing pirate without any of the scary parts! One year, I got packs of Sqinkies (using my Michaels & JoAnn coupons one at a time) and put those in the eggs. We usually do a small basket and 2 dozen eggs or soemthing. Another year, my parents did the egg hunt in their yard. We brought mini glitter paint tubes to fill the eggs and my dad put all the change he found around their house (which was a whole lot of change) and filled LOTS of eggs for our daughter. This year, I'm wondering if they will be doing the egg hunt for all 4 of their grandchildren (who will all be local as of tomorrow - yay!!!). Last night, a friend got Lego block erasers to put in eggs. I got some Hello Kitty stuff - penciles, pens, post-its, etc - all good for pracitcal use, fun because it's Hello Kitty, etc. There are so many cool, fun erasor packs, stickers can be really cheap. Art supplies can be small enough for eggs. Get creative! I know some families hide Easter baskets, which is also a fun tradition . . .

What are your ideas? I am always looking for an even better idea, so please share yours!!

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